Research Fellowship
Research Fellowship
Research laboratories: one position of Biomedical laboratory health technician
Applications for one positions is open. Interested candidates must quote the code OPBG2021/04
Research Fellowship
Unit of Neuroradiology: radiologists, neuroradiologists and medical doctors as research fellow
Applications for two positions are open. Interested candidates must quote codeOPBG2021/05
Research Fellowship
Unit of Neuroradiology: Imaging analysis and spectroscopy
Applications for two positions are open. Interested candidates must quote codeOPBG2021/06
Research Fellowship
Bando di ricerca corrente aprile 2021: tutte le posizioni aperte
E' possibile presentare le proprie candidature per partecipare ai progetti di ricerca del Bambino Gesù. Scadenza: 23 aprile 2021
Research Fellowship
Postdoctoral fellow, mass spectrometry based metabolomics in Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Applications for one position as Postdoctoral fellow in Metabolic laboratory is open. Applicants should preferably have a professional registration
Research Fellowship
Physicist as research fellow
Applications for one position of Physicist as research fellow is open. Applicants should preferably have a professional registration
Research Fellowship
Research fellow in Pediatric Intensive Care
At the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital application for one position as research fellow in Pediatric Intensive Care is open
Research Fellowship
Bando di ricerca corrente 2021
Attenzione: il Bando è chiuso, non è più possibile inviare candidature
Research Fellowship
Ricercatore Senior nell'Area di ricerca Medicina Multimodale di Laboratorio
La figura che risponda ai requisiti potrà essere inserita nella UOC Microbiologia e Diagnostica di Immunologia
Research Fellowship